Saturday, May 30, 2015

Killing castle troops

General method:
Normally, always bear in your mind that CC troops = CC attack ~> Corner and Circle

Specific approaches:
CC troops with low hit-points (equal or less than damage of 1 lightning spell), such as barchers, wizards, we can simply lure them all out to one place, drop 1 lightning spell right on them. This approach is often used for hall6 and below since it helps save your troops) Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN

Valkyrie: lure it out to corner, then make a line of 20-25 archers, behind and in front of it. Note: never deploy your troops close to the Valkyrie or use barbs to kill Valkyrie because Valkyrie attacks the whole circle of troops surround it. Alternatively, if you are hall7 and above, using minions is the effective way to kill Valkyrie Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN

Balloons: similar to dealing with Valkyrie, deploy archers/wizards a bit far from balloons because balloons will kill all troops stand right below them, even when they explode. Alternatively, if you are hall7 and above, using minions is the effective way to kill Balloons Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN

Dragons/Wizards: make of circle of archers/wizards/minions (around 25 archers) around the dragon after luring it to corner, it will be killed rapidly. Never deploy your troops at 1 place because dragons and wizards have slash damage which means they will kill all at once all troops who stand close to each other. Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN

Witch: 1 lightning spells right at it (for hall6 and below). Hall7 and above, you can use barchers, minions, wizards, or dragons. Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN

Examples are coming soon..Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN

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