Monday, August 3, 2015

For a day in August

Dear hall 9+ players,

You all have very crucial roles in clan war, not only in gaining stars but also in protecting stars. Hence, it is known that you bear a heavy load for clan, and we all highly appreciate thatBlog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN. Specifically, if our hall 8 bases were 3 starred, we all know you have to try your bestBlog.Uhm.vN, fight with all your careBlog.Uhm.vN, handle all the tension to get 3 stars from hall 8 bases of the opponentBlog.Uhm.vN. Yet, we all here in this together, we always try to share your loads by improving ourselves and designing the toughest layouts we can to challenge the opponentBlog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN.

Dear hall 8 players,

Your role is never less vital in clan war. It is so essential in minimizing the stars the opponent could get from hall 8Blog.Uhm.vN, and it could be possible from having a tough layout. When our opponent cannot take or find it tough to take stars from hall 8, they have to spend several attacks on 1 target which leads to their disadvantageBlog.Uhm.vN. Not only that, it could also help share the load with our hall 9+ players who have to fight their best to get 3 stars from opponent hall 8 or at least 2 from hall 9+. Somehow, if hall 9+ players are the strikerBlog.Uhm.vN, you, the hall 8 players are our goalkeeper and defendersBlog.Uhm.vN.

Dear hall 7 and below players,

It does not mean that your roles are not importantBlog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN. It is difficult for you to defend against mass dragons, yet when your bases could defend against their attackers who are at the same range with you, the higher players have to move downward to attackBlog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN. It is obviously their disadvantage, and it is because of youBlog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN. For sure, you can also gain stars from the target that has the same townhall or 1 townhall below your level. It is a significant support to our higher level players. And hall 7 players, when you use dragons and lightning spells, it is possible for you to obtain 3 stars any hall 7Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN. This gives chance for our hall 8+ concentrate on their hall 8+Blog.Uhm.vN. In other words, you are the midfielders Blog.Uhm.vN who create opportunity for our striker and assist our defenders.

So definitely, each of us is an essential factor in clan war. Please don’t ever forget that!Blog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN

In clan war, we fight for each other! And no one has to fight aloneBlog.Uhm.vN

However, not only in clan war the spirit, friendship or role is expressed, it is in here everyday, when we help each other, care for each other, and support each otherBlog.Uhm.vNBlog.Uhm.vN. Thanks to you all, Nike Crew is not only strong in term of fighting skills but also in team spirit. Love you all!

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